We are happy to welcome you to Children’s Choice After Care. It is a special place were children love to come for fun, having time with friends, developing their creative talents, and learning new things in a safe and warm environment.
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Contact us to enroll your child in our after school
program at one of our eight catholic schools.

We create an enjoyable, relaxed after school learning atmosphere for children that ultimately fosters friendships in a safe environment while offering various fun filled projects that complement the unique mission of Catholic Schools.
“Caring for His children that come unto us.”
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Our Testimonials
Children’s Choice After Care has been providing after school care services for Holy Cross Catholic School over the past year. The professionalism of the instructors is outstanding, the programming is consistent and student focused, and the parent communication is excellent.
The students are well cared for, have plenty of creative activities for which to participate, and time is also allotted for homework assistance. The best compliment that I can provide as a school principal is that over the past year I never have to worry about our students’ safety after school. Children’s Choice runs an outstanding after care program for our school families and is a wonderful educational partner with Holy Cross Catholic School. If you would like to reach out to me for more information, please email me at [email protected] or contact me at (630) 503-5290.